Privacy Policy

We are Whitehead Holdlings Ltd ("we", "our", "us") and trade under the name Source Electronics, and have done since 2013. Our previous trading names are RadioShack UK and Telecare.

Your data and right to privacy is extremely important.

We only require and store your data for warranty purposes and to make any enquiries in future more stream-lined. We do not provide ANY third party associates with your information.

Our web developer BigCommerce stores customer data and their Privacy Policy can be viewed here:

We provide basic information to Parcel2Go for delivery purposes, but this is done with our own account with them. Their Privacy Policy can be viewed here:

You have the right to amend or withdraw any information we have of yours. We are more than happy to do this if requested to. Please contact us though the link at the bottom of our website with your requests if this is the case.